Saturday, September 15, 2007

One of those moments....

Me getting a phone call from my husband about the complete unstability of his job.

Me trying not to worry about it.

Hannah and I laying on the my bed, snuggling before sleep time.

Hannah asking to sing one of our songs.

Me starting in with..."It is good to praise the Lord" and raising my hands.

Hannah copying me, her little chubby fingers stretched out as far as they can go.

Me silently crying while singing because the moment was so precious it made my heart hurt.

Me realizing that God knows even when I do not.


Saturday, September 15, 2007

One of those moments....

Me getting a phone call from my husband about the complete unstability of his job.

Me trying not to worry about it.

Hannah and I laying on the my bed, snuggling before sleep time.

Hannah asking to sing one of our songs.

Me starting in with..."It is good to praise the Lord" and raising my hands.

Hannah copying me, her little chubby fingers stretched out as far as they can go.

Me silently crying while singing because the moment was so precious it made my heart hurt.

Me realizing that God knows even when I do not.

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