Friday, March 23, 2007

Thank God It's Friday?? I am not so sure.

What did we do today... we went to the recycle center with 6 bags of cans. The children got 7 dollars each for all of their earth saving, super-hero recycling! We ran to the Santee library to get a new card, check out some books, and pay a 10 year old .75 cent fine!! Good thing they don't charge interest. Then my mil took us to a fine dining establishment called Mc Donald's... you might have heard of it, where my daughter peed on the slide. Yep... we ran away really fast while my mil told an employee. We didn't want to see the dirty looks the other mother's were sure to give while they shut down the play place for cleaning!!

In other news, Todd is working on my website, so that should be up soon. He is amazing... creating a beautiful site out of nothing. :) I am off to read a good book, hopefully.....


Friday, March 23, 2007

Thank God It's Friday?? I am not so sure.

What did we do today... we went to the recycle center with 6 bags of cans. The children got 7 dollars each for all of their earth saving, super-hero recycling! We ran to the Santee library to get a new card, check out some books, and pay a 10 year old .75 cent fine!! Good thing they don't charge interest. Then my mil took us to a fine dining establishment called Mc Donald's... you might have heard of it, where my daughter peed on the slide. Yep... we ran away really fast while my mil told an employee. We didn't want to see the dirty looks the other mother's were sure to give while they shut down the play place for cleaning!!

In other news, Todd is working on my website, so that should be up soon. He is amazing... creating a beautiful site out of nothing. :) I am off to read a good book, hopefully.....

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