-My 10 year anniversary is 6 days away. WHAT!! How have I been married for 10 years??? We haven't decided what we will be doing. Oh, sure, we have had grand plans (and when I say we, I mean me!) but the mula to do such things hasn't been forthcoming, so we might have to scale back on the grand plans..... for now!!
-My son just asked if he can have one of my diamond rings to give to the girl he will marry someday so he doesn't have to spend a lot of money on a ring for her. Hmmm, I am not quite sure what to think of that.
-Hannah has been doing her hair lately, and I have been catching myself reaching to fix her lopsided and messy pigtails, because I want them to look perfect. Or is it because I don't want people to think I did her hair. And that reminds me that I care way too much about what people think. It is amazing that God uses tiny, seemingly insignificant things to change my heart on a daily basis.
-In the time it has taken to type the above, my son has changed his mind. He is no longer getting married at all, because he can't fathom saving money for "over a year" for a ring. I think I need to go have a chat with him. :)
-I love my kids, but having them here with me all the time has brought the need for Sarah Time to astronomic levels. In fact, I need to go... we have a park play day, and there will be actual, real, people... live people. People who don't want to talk about Pokemon, or Barbies, or puppies, or Harry Potter... I really need to go.
I will leave you with these pics I snapped yesterday at the golden light hour of 5pm. I was practicing my sunflare shots. I love their backlit hair!