Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The first day... all over again.

Our family has had quite a transition year, and last Monday was just the beginning of stability for all. For a while now, we have had in our minds that the kiddos would go to Trinity Christian School, but God had a different plan for our family. Meridian Elementary is our school home for this year and we are grateful it is a mere two minutes away from our house.

Todd began his 4th year in school as a 3rd grader and he is having so much fun. Hannah also began her journey into elementary school... (and that was a harder transition for mommy than Hannah) She is getting into the swing of things, yet every night.. when she is exhausted beyond words... she tells me that she doesn't want to go back to kindergarten!! :) I cried on and off the first week, partly because I am in a new stage in my life, and partly because Hannah had a rough go of it at first. My heart just aches for her as she tries to figure stuff out and that has been the toughest part.

Here are just a few snaps of my kids to mark this day in our memories. I hope as all of your kiddos start the blessed school season, we can think of each other.... and also plan a great coffee date!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The past few weeks....

Do you want to hear what I have learned in the past few weeks... Ok!!

Kidney stones are far more common in men than women.
60% of people who have had kidney stones will get another one.
The basic cause of stones is too little water to dilute the minerals in the kidneys.
Eating too much meat without enough hydration can cause stones.
Drinking too much of any liquid (soda, coffee, juice) without enough water can cause kidney stones.
Kidney stones are one of the most painful experiences ever... but they weren't more painful than childbirth!!

Hmm.. you might be saying. Why is Sarah spouting off facts about kidney stones. Well, my friends, that is because I have just now, today... this very day... finally recovered from my round with these tiny beasts!! This is the first day that I can sit, walk, sleep.... without pain in my back. Last night was the first night I slept without waking.

I went to the ER on Saturday for a bunch of tests and CT scans (that will be fun to pay without insurance!!) only to find out that I had already passed my stones and I was feeling the residual affects of this awesome illness.

The moral of this story... Drink some water people!! I have given up soda and have limited my coffee intake to one a week. I never, ever, ever, never want to experience that again!! Consider yourself warned.....

Cue the scary music.....

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I love cheerleading...

So, it is only natural that I would get a kick out of these commercials. This is the newest one and it makes me laugh everytime. :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The first day... all over again.

Our family has had quite a transition year, and last Monday was just the beginning of stability for all. For a while now, we have had in our minds that the kiddos would go to Trinity Christian School, but God had a different plan for our family. Meridian Elementary is our school home for this year and we are grateful it is a mere two minutes away from our house.

Todd began his 4th year in school as a 3rd grader and he is having so much fun. Hannah also began her journey into elementary school... (and that was a harder transition for mommy than Hannah) She is getting into the swing of things, yet every night.. when she is exhausted beyond words... she tells me that she doesn't want to go back to kindergarten!! :) I cried on and off the first week, partly because I am in a new stage in my life, and partly because Hannah had a rough go of it at first. My heart just aches for her as she tries to figure stuff out and that has been the toughest part.

Here are just a few snaps of my kids to mark this day in our memories. I hope as all of your kiddos start the blessed school season, we can think of each other.... and also plan a great coffee date!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The past few weeks....

Do you want to hear what I have learned in the past few weeks... Ok!!

Kidney stones are far more common in men than women.
60% of people who have had kidney stones will get another one.
The basic cause of stones is too little water to dilute the minerals in the kidneys.
Eating too much meat without enough hydration can cause stones.
Drinking too much of any liquid (soda, coffee, juice) without enough water can cause kidney stones.
Kidney stones are one of the most painful experiences ever... but they weren't more painful than childbirth!!

Hmm.. you might be saying. Why is Sarah spouting off facts about kidney stones. Well, my friends, that is because I have just now, today... this very day... finally recovered from my round with these tiny beasts!! This is the first day that I can sit, walk, sleep.... without pain in my back. Last night was the first night I slept without waking.

I went to the ER on Saturday for a bunch of tests and CT scans (that will be fun to pay without insurance!!) only to find out that I had already passed my stones and I was feeling the residual affects of this awesome illness.

The moral of this story... Drink some water people!! I have given up soda and have limited my coffee intake to one a week. I never, ever, ever, never want to experience that again!! Consider yourself warned.....

Cue the scary music.....

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I love cheerleading...

So, it is only natural that I would get a kick out of these commercials. This is the newest one and it makes me laugh everytime. :)


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